2024 PowWow Information

Now's the Time to Get Your Outpost Ready to Attend the MS District PowWow!


The MS District Royal Rangers PowWow is just around the corner! Now is the time to start preparing your outpost for this annual event at Ranger Trails Camp. Preparation includes teaching about the patrol system, how to set-up camp, making your outpost patrol flag/standard, getting your song and yell ready, and much more. Below are all the details of camp. Please be sure to read all the sections.

Don't miss the 2024 Mississippi District PowWow coming up on June 7-9th! This year's theme is David's Mighty Men with special guest speakers, Rev. Ron Rhoads and Rev. Mark "Mountain Man" Thompson. Activities include swimming, canoeing, bb gun shooting, archery, slingshot shooting, paintball, cub car races, frontiersmen's village, and great camping at Ranger Trails Camp.

  • Outposts are responsible for registering each person from their outpost/church.
  • The leader in-charge must submit an Individual Application/Medical Record for both leaders and boys.
  • Each outpost/church attending Pow Wow must check-in at the registration desk in the Ratliff Lodge upon arrival at PowWow.
  • If T-shirts were ordered on the Pre-registration Form, you will receive them when you register at camp.
  • Turn in the Outpost Registration Form upon arrival at camp (even if you pre-registered). This will allow the staff to direct you to your campsite with no delay.

Pre-Registration Deadline is May 24th!


David's Mighty Men

And after him was Shammah the son of Agee the Hararite. And the Philistines were gathered together into a troop, where was a piece of ground full of lentiles: and the people fled from the Philistines. But he stood in the midst of the ground, and defended it, and slew the Philistines: and the LORD wrought a great victory.
2 Samuel 23:11-12

Praise & Worship:
Rev. Brett Nettles and
Rev. Micah Reynolds

Guest Speakers:
Rev. Ron Rhoads and
Rev. Mark "Mountain Man" Thompson

Download Forms

Cubmobile Instructions

Note rule change for 2023!

10" maximum diameter pneumatic (inflatable) wheels may now be used on the cubmobile.

Ranger Trails Camp
Emergency Phone:

No emergency phone will be available at the camp due to individuals having their own cell phones.